Articles (in alphabetical order, by title)                                                                                                 Author                                                   Edition

A poor diet for poor people? Workhouse food in Lancashire 1750-1834                                              Crosby, A.G.                                           Volume 9 : 1994

According to the custom of the Province of York                                                                                       Watson, R.C.                                          Volume 5 : 1990

Adam de Prestwich and the Wolveleys; some problems of identification                                              Garratt, M.                                             Volume 11 : 1996

An attractive rogue                                                                                                                                           Crosby, A.G.                                           Volume 5 : 1990

And the blowshoppes decay for lakke of wood                                                                                           Winterbotham, D.                                 Volume 9 : 1994

Apple orchard in Tudor Lancashire, An                                                                                                         Panikkar, M.                                          Volume 16 : 2003

Ashton powder keg, The                                                                                                                                   Blakeman, B.                                          Volume 4 : 1986

Aughton Parochial School: a retrospective account from 1936                                                                  Lake, J.                                                    Volume 11 : 1996

Barton Bridge, the building of                                                                                                                          Winterbotham, D.                                 Volume 8 : 1993

Birdwatching and the bird protection movement in Lancashire, 1880-1914                                            Lawson, Z.                                             Volume 10 : 1995

Blue Books - and their uses to the Lancashire Historian                                                                              Marshall, J.D.                                         Volume 5 : 1990

Bootle, Irish nationalists in, 1868-1914                                                                                                             Henders, S.                                           Volume 9 : 1994

Bridges over the Irwell from Bury to Rawtenstall                                                                                           Slater, F.                                                 Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Clitheroe Wood and Farm, Almondbury, Huddersfield                                                                                  Redmonds, G.                                      Volume 13 : 1998

Costeth House Estate                                                                                                                                           Hughes, D.                                            Volume 16 : 2003

Coulborn. Henry, of Pilkington: a seventeenth-century Lancashire clothier and his family                    Winterbotham, D.                                 Volume 10 : 1995

Danes’ Pad and Marton Mere revisited                                                                                                            Watson, R.C.                                           Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Deaths in Stuart Lancashire: some new interpretations                                                                                Perkins, J.                                               Volume 8 : 1993

Dewhurst, Jonathon – the Lancashire tragedian                                                                                              Taylor, P.                                                Volume 15 : 2001-2002

Domesday revisited                                                                                                                                               Bolton, G.L.                                           Volume 2 : 1984

Downholland, Altcar and Formby, a Tudor map from Lancashire                                                                 Turner, E.                                              Volume 7 : 1992

Edwards, B.J.N. - an appreciation of his work                                                                                                     Higham, M.C.                                       Volume 10 : 1995

Flax - a forgotten crop                                                                                                                                            Winterbotham, D.                               Volume 4 : 1986

Formby Holy Trinity Ladies’ Bowling Club 1927-1939                                                                                       Webb, E.G.                                            Volume 13 : 1998

Formby, poverty and the Poor Law 1701-1900                                                                                                  Webb, N.C.                                            Volume 9 : 1994

Formby, schools in Formby before 1870                                                                                                             Cant, A.                                                 Volume 11 : 1996

Fulwood Park, Preston – a place in the suburbs                                                                                                Boxall, J.                                                Volume 15 : 2001-2002

Goldsmith in the rural Fylde in the seventeenth century, A                                                                             Watson, R.C.                                        Volume 13 : 1998

Goosnargh Mill - a history of its owners and tenants                                                                                       Edmunds, J.                                          Volume 17 : 2004

Gould, William - an 18th Century gardener                                                                                                         Firn, D.                                                  Volume 17 : 2004

Great Eccleston, early years of the Great Eccleston Women’s Institute                                                          Wilkinson, J.                                          Volume 6 : 1991

Guiding in North-West Lancashire                                                                                                                         Edwards, M.                                        Volume 10 : 1995

Halfway to Heaven; the development of a Lancashire Catholic community                                                   Dunleavy, J.                                         Volume 7 : 1992

Holland, Roger and the Farnworth & Kearsley sunday school for children of all denominations                Ratcliffe, J.                                          Volume 4 : 1986

Hornby, the medieval Borough of                                                                                                                           Higham, M.C.                                      Volume 7 : 1992

How did Thomas Pennant cross the Ribble?                                                                                                         Edwards, B.J.N.                                   Volume 9 : 1994

Hurst Farm, Outwood - a brief history                                                                                                                    Tyson, N.                                             Volume 17: 2004

Impact of the Civil War on the common people of South West Lancashire, The                                             Virgoe, J.                                              Volume 12 : 1997

In defence of the shopkeeper                                                                                                                                   Lawson, Z.                                          Volume 9 : 1994

Industrial Revolution and religious change                                                                                                            Dunleavy, J.                                          Volume 4 : 1986

Internet for the Lancashire local historian, The                                                                                                    Turner-Bishop, A.                                Volume 15 : 2001-2002

Lancashire's Manchester to Poland's Manchester                                                                                                Crosby, A.                                            Volume 16 : 2003

Lancaster and Morecambe, newspapers in nineteenth-century                                                                         Catt, J.C.                                              Volume 2 : 1984

Lancaster inns and alehouses, 1600-1730                                                                                                              Kennerley, E.                                      Volume 5 : 1990

Lancaster lunatic asylum 1816 to c.1885 - urban arenas and the management of asylums                         Johnson, S.P.                                       Volume 17 : 2004

Landowning families and developments in transport and mining: documentary evidence                          McKernan, V.                                      Volume 10 : 1995

Liverpool boarding academies in the 1840's                                                                                                          Hughes, D.                                           Volume 8 : 1993

Liverpool dung: the magic wand of agriculture                                                                                                     Coney, A.                                              Volume 10 : 1995

Liverpool infant mortality rates c. 1865-1874: a city maligned                                                                           Hughes, D.                                           Volume 6 : 1991

Liverpool, ‘This week’s good cause’: Kaye Street Chapel, 1711-1748                                                                 Hughes, D.                                           Volume 13 : 1998

Longridge, agrarian economy in the area in the seventeenth- and eighteenth centuries                             Till, M.                                                   Volume 4 : 1986

Lonsdale Historical Society 1956-1992, The                                                                                                           Haines, C.M.C.                                     Volume 8 : 1993

Lonsdale, building bridges in - in the 17th Century                                                                                               Crosby, A.                                            Volume 17 : 2004

Lower Hodder Bridge, The Old                                                                                                                                  Edwards, B.J.N.                                  Volume 11 : 1996

Lytham, making salt at                                                                                                                                               Singleton, W.R.                                    Volume 4 : 1986

Manchester, brass bands, bagpipes and banners: the Whit Friday Walk                                                          Dunleavy, J.                                          Volume 11 : 1996

Manchester, a walk around – in 1816                                                                                                                      Henshaw, D.                                        Volume 18 : 2005

Mid-eighteenth century cattle plague in Lancashire, The                                                                                     Virgoe, J.                                              Volume 13 : 1998

Musicians and malefactors - pipers and harpers in medieval Lancashire                                                         Higham, M.C.                                     Volume 10 : 1995

Morecambe landscape – past, present and future, The                                                                                       Crosby, A.                                           Volume 18 : 2005

Origins of the 'Centre of the kingdom', The                                                                                                            Higham, M.C.                                    Volume 16 : 2003

Outram, Benjamin and the construction of the Ashton Canal                                                                            Schofield, R.                                       Volume 7 : 1992

Paddy’s Market                                                                                                                                                            Brogden, A.W.                                   Volume 13 : 1998

Parker Archives, The                                                                                                                                                   Bridge, M.                                          Volume 11 : 1996

Parson Sham? - The Rev. Edward Arundel Verity                                                                                                  Hall, B.                                                Volume 5 : 1990

Penwortham Castle - A Reappraisal                                                                                                                        Edwards, B.J.N.                                 Volume 15 : 2001-2002

Penwortham to Wrightington and Shevington turnpike road 1825-1870, The                                               Hennessey, L.                                    Volume 13 : 1998

Pilkington, Sir Thomas (1430-1502), lord of the manor of Bury and Pilkington, and Bury Castle                 Walker, C.R.N.                                  Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Pilling, St. John’s chapel                                                                                                                                             Sherdley, H.                                      Volume 4 : 1986

Poulton-le-Fylde, life in a local history society                                                                                                      Storey, M.C.                                       Volume 5 : 1990

Poutlon-le-Fylde, St Chad’s parish church: rewriting its history                                                                         Storey, M.C.                                      Volume 10 : 1995

Prescot, clothing in Prescot inventories 1660-1680                                                                                             Hargreaves, M.                                Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Preston, migration to in the fourteenth century: the evidence of surnames                                                  Crosby, A.G.                                     Volume 8 : 1993

Preston, the early railway scene in                                                                                                                         Keeney, M.                                        Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Preston Penny Savings Bank                                                                                                                                   Lawson, Z.                                          Volume 18 : 2005

Probate Inventories; what they reveal about Briercliffe in the eighteenth-century                                       Frost, R.B.                                          Volume 2 : 1984

Rainford, Catholicism in Rainford on the eve of the Irish migration: 1786—1841                                         Betney, N.                                         Volume 11 : 1996

Rainford, Catholicism in the chapelry of Rainford in the eighteenth-century                                                 Betney, N.                                         Volume 10 : 1995

Rainford, Killing the pig: Rainford in the 1940s                                                                                                    Whitham, A.                                      Volume 9 : 1994

Rainford, the arrival of the Irish: Catholicism in the chapelry of Rainford 1841-1900                                  Betney, N.                                          Volume 12 : 1997

Relevance of place names, The                                                                                                                              Gelling, M.                                         Volume 6 : 1991

Ribchester ‘Gold’ Brooch, The                                                                                                                                 Edwards, B.J.N.                                Volume 12 : 1997

Rishton, impact of the first Civil War on the township of                                                                                   Broderick, K.                                    Volume 2 : 1984

Rycroft, Ellis - Rogue or Paragon?                                                                                                                           Duggan, M.                                      Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Rylands versus Fletcher                                                                                                                                           Sunderland, F.                                 Volume 7 : 1992

Sagars of Cliviger, The                                                                                                                                              Redmond, G.                                   Volume 18 : 2005

Salford Hundred in the fourteenth century                                                                                                         Winterbotham, D.                         Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Scouting in West Lancashire 1908-1974                                                                                                                Loomes, M.                                   Volume 12 : 1997

Shire of Amounderness, The                                                                                                                                   Watson, R.C.                                 Volume 12 : 1997

Shireburne almshouses, The                                                                                                                                  Edwards, B.J.N.                             Volume 10 : 1995

Sin, sex and society in seventeenth-century Lancashire                                                                                    Addy, J.                                          Volume 4 : 1986

Some possible Domesday locations in the 'West Riding’ area of Lancashire                                                 Duckworth, G.                              Volume 7 : 1992

St. Mary’s School Goes to War                                                                                                                                Dunleavy, J.                                  Volume 9 : 1994

St. Helens, The Forgotten Franchise: Who was entitled to vote in 1880?                                                        Hughes, D.                                   Volume 14 : 1999-2000

Tarleton, an eighteenth-century shipping enterprise based at                                                                        Firn, D.                                           Volume 16 : 2003

Tarleton, the chapel of St Helen’s and its successors                                                                                         Hallam, A.                                     Volume 15 : 2001-2002

The borrowers: George and John Barnes of Sutton and Windle                                                                       Hughes, D.                                   Volume 11 : 1996

The doctor is puzzled                                                                                                                                                Bolton, G.L.                                  Volume 6 : 1991

The sponsored Poor Law migration scheme 1835-1837: a study of the Preston area                                  Rees, C.                                        Volume 6 : 1991

Throttled by the wolf: life in North East Lancashire in the reign of Edward I                                                  Foster, E.                                    Volume 12 : 1997

‘Tunstall’s’, Properties named – acquired by the Sherdley Estate, St. Helens                                                 Hughes, D.                                  Volume 18 : 2005

Upland and lowland territorial links in mediaeval Amoundeness: St Michael on Wyre parish                   Watson, R.                                  Volume 10 : 1995

Urmston Halmot book 1613-99, The                                                                                                                     Winterbotham, D.                     Volume 16 : 2003

Watkinson, Cuthbert - Liverpool gunsmith                                                                                                          Jenkins, A.P.                                Volume 4 : 1986

Westfield Memorial Village, Lancaster 'one of a kind'                                                                                       Vernon, S.                                    Volume 16 : 2003

Whittle-le-Woods, keeping the home bells ringing at St. Johns church                                                          Bradley, A.                                   Volume 5 : 1990

Women and the Poor Law, 1760-1830                                                                                                                 Hanly, M.                                     Volume 15 : 2001-2002

Wooden figure from Whalley Abbey north-east gateway, The                                                                        Edwards, B.J.N.                            Volume 13 : 1998


Lancashire Local History Federation